Leadership Team
Ross DeSimone, M.A.
Managing Partner
Ross is the Managing Director for Peripheri. Ross has been delivering human capital and talent management solutions to companies worldwide since 1985. A graduate of The Pennsylvania State University and Temple University, Ross is a business psychologist who specializes in executive development, placement assessments, organizational evaluation, and team enrichment. Ross has been cited in numberous journals and publications and is frequently called upon and quoted as a subject matter expert in the area of workplace issues and organizational practices. Ross has kept his links strong between the Psychology and business communities, and has chaired multiple committees on Psychology and Business Partnership. He is a frequent lecturer and guest speaker on topics relating to strengthening businesses through best personnel practices. His expertise in the area of hiring assessment and executive coaching is impressive, and his three decades of personal experience translates easily to the creation of the unique product offerings that Peripheri brings to the Business Market.
Karen DeSimone
Executive Director
Karen is a graduate of Albright College, where she discovered the critical link between good talent and good business. Over the last 25 years, she has been applying her knowledge and skills in Operations Management. In addition to working in a variety of industries, within organizations of various sizes, she currently serves as Peripheri's Executive Director. In this role, she is responsible for planning, organizing and directing all of Peripheri's programs and services. She also assists the business psychologists in evaluating and developing the unique programming for Peripheri's clients partners.
Dave Brinson
HRIS Director
Dave brings a passion, a drive, and a vision of success with him to work every day. Dave has more than 20 years of experience developing custom technology solutions for businesses. As Owner and President of WareSoft Solutions, Dave and his team have successfully built system solutions for Order Fulfillment, Fee-for-Service, Direct Purchasing Agreement, and Supply Chain Management. Dave's original area of expertise was in programming, but as President at WareSoft also oversees business analysis, solutions architecture, project management, and client management, as well. Dave is company minded, and has proven that his strength lies in not only his technical knowledge, but in his innate ability to create highly functioning and driven project teams. Dave's most valuable skill is perhaps his ability to understand the conceptual nature of the client's need, visualize it as a software system, and turn that concept into a reality. That is what makes him such a valuable partner to the Peripheri brand.